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Intelligent water conservancy

Views: 176     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-05-06      Origin: Site

"Intelligent water conservancy" refers to the deep integration of modern information technology (Internet of things, Internet, communication network, cloud computing, terminal equipment, etc.) with traditional water conservancy and the collection, transmission, storage, processing and service of water conservancy information in order to improve the efficiency of water conservancy activities in an all-round way so as to improve water management level and water to the public. The level of service. It mainly includes water resources management system, water environment monitoring system, soil and water conservation monitoring and management, flood control and drainage system.

Information collection and monitoring system of Internet of things

With the technology of Internet of things, the intelligent sensing platform of the Internet of things is constructed to realize the real-time acquisition of flood information of water situation, rain, work, moisture, weather and waterlogging, and provide data support for the construction of intelligent water conservancy.

Cloud resource data center

With the use of advanced technology, such as cloud computing and large data, it builds large data center of cloud computing, effectively integrates and shares water information resources, reduces the coordination of interdepartmental data, provides a unified data publishing interface, realizes the unification of water resources, and realizes large data multi-dimensional mining and analysis, and provides large data support for operation. Support.

Application system covering the whole area of water conservancy

The mathematical model is used to analyze and calculate the business data in the field of water conservancy. It provides business technology management services for governments, departments, units and business offices at all levels.

Building information public service platform

Through various media channels, the "no dead end" issue of water conservancy information can be realized, and the whole society's participation in water management can be realized and the public service capacity can be enhanced.

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